Keeping Busy…

The rain has not been cooperating over the last couple of weeks… nevertheless, we’ve been keeping busy!!! Getting out when we can (I’ve even gone jogging with Stef a couple of times…. I know – Me? Jog?) Well… not far… and not long distances…. but out… and trying get active!!!! 🙂 We’ve had some flash flood warnings, but nothing as bad as Calgary (thank goodness!)…






I have started to grow tired of our bare walls…. & have gone on a “decorating on a budget” spree…. (thanks Pinterest!)… First project was something (anything) in the bathroom!! I got some canvasses and pretty scrapbook paper & went about modge-podging it together!!! Quite happy with how it turned out – something is better than nothing!! (excuse the VERY yellow light…. not much I can do/change about that!)


Feeling crafty & creative in red leggings... ;)
Feeling crafty & creative in red leggings… 😉


Next project is painting our couch… Yes, you read correct!!! I’ll keep you updated once I get the project going!!! 🙂 **

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Gotta love Pinterest eh? Great job! And I’m really glad you guys are safe and far away from the flooding in Calgary. We have been watching on the news and our hearts go out to all of those people whose lives have been turned upside down.


    1. It’s crazy right?? I would never have thought about flood warnings so far inland!!! On sunday we went to one of the parks & had to find an alternate route on more than one occasion because the river had flown towards the inside of the park!!! It was crazy!!! Think the river rose about 2-3m… It was a crazy thing to see!!! Today the sun is shining (holding thumbs that it’ll shine the whole day, since we’ve had nonstop rain for almost 3weeks now!! 🙂 **


      1. I’ll cross my fingers that you get lots of sunshine now :).


        1. Hahaha thanks!!! I have NEVER been THIS ready for summer & heat!!! Bring it on!!! 😀 **


  2. Distan Bach says:

    Hope the rain eases now Xandré. We finally got some coverage on the TV here in Sydney. The poor residents of Calgary, my heart goes out to them. Hears to some sunshine now eh!


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