Happy New Year 2015

This time of year you usually overload on family & friends!!! Needless to say, that since we stayed in Canada this year, we have been homesick for weeks now… Today a year ago we were frolicking on the beach in South Africa with family and friends!! Although we have been keeping busy with new friends, it somehow is just not quite the same!!!

Just want to wish everyone (especially our family and friends in SA) a very happy 2015!!

Xandre Verkes - New year 2014-2

Xandre Verkes - New year 2014

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Mama Cormier says:

    Happy New Year to you both. I’d like to say that it gets easier but making friends in your new place helps. Actually over time it will probably get easier. We always remember how things were and are often disappointed when we return to find that things have changed (as does every place).


    1. I have to agree with that yes!! 🙂 This year has been easier with a couple of new friends!! 🙂 Thank you for your motivation and kind words!! And hope you have a great year ahead of you! 🙂


  2. Happy New Year!!!!!!! I hope it’s a great one for you and that the homesickness gets easier to handle. Just remember how much easier it is because of the internet. Years ago it was far more difficult to keep in contact with loved ones. I know it’s not the same as being there, but it could always be worse right?


  3. Distan Bach says:

    Happy new year, Xandré! Hope you guys have a great 2015.


  4. drawandshoot says:

    Happy new year to you both, Xandré! Best wishes sent your way. 🙂


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