Day trip to Blackfoot Provincial Park

We had a gorgeous day today!!! We were soooo happy about the lovely weather, we took our dogs and went for a hike in the Blackfoot Provincial Park (about half hour drive outside Edmonton!)… We were NOT disappointed!! It was a very happy few hours… We relaxed and the dogs ran themselves so tired, they’ve been sleeping since we got back home!! 🙂



4 Comments Add yours

  1. always new says:

    Reblogged this on meon lic.


  2. marietha says:

    Lyk lekker maar ai nog niks groen nie?


    1. In teendeel…. weer gesneeu toe ons vanoggend wakker word…. Just can’t catch a break… 😦 **


  3. drawandshoot says:

    Losing the snow, finally! : )


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